During the 2023 offseason, the NYYL judging board diligently formulated a new judging system for the upcoming 2024 season.
The primary objective behind this initiative was to enhance clarity for both competitors and judges, minimizing redundancy and streamlining categories.
Though we acknowledge these are some substantial changes the judging board is confident that participants with pre-existing routines will not be hindered by this adjusted format. Freestyle elements that thrived under the previous criteria are expected to perform well within this revised framework.
For 2024 the NYYL yoyo contest judging system in the USA has transitioned from an 8 part criteria system that was made up of Execution, Control, Trick Diversity, Space Use, Music Use 1, Music Use 2, Body Control, and Showmanship. Each were allocated 5 points.
The new system focuses on four key components: Trick Presentation, Performance Presentation, Musicality, and Routine Construction, each evaluated on a 10-point scale. This streamlining of the evaluation criteria will improve clarity and make for better ease of understanding by both judge and contestant.

Please read through the entire rule set at https://yoyocontest.com/freestyle-rules-for-2024-nyyl-events/
To address any questions from players or judges, we intend to release a comprehensive FAQ.
Your input is invaluable, so please feel free to respond here with any questions or concerns.
Additionally, we will provide updates and distribute a form to those who have recently competed in NYYL events.
We are looking forward to an amazing 2024 contest season together!